Monday, May 26, 2008


さて、The Hot Ratsのブログを始めよう。最初の文書でわれが最初に作った曲について書く。「Ghost House」という曲は本当の話だ。。。っていうかまあ、本当が入っている話だ。そして、あの日は歌手のたいしろとバンドを作ろうような話を始めてした日だった。
大学の伝説のサークルの虹の会と一緒に「FujiQ」へ行った日だった。あそこに着いたら小さい群れに分けて、自由に遊んでいた。 FujiQのお化けやしきのことを友達から聞いていた僕はどうしても行ってみたいと思って、群れの仲間に何回も頼んで連れてきてもらった。完全に幼心た。-笑ー
僕らが冗談を言ったり、バカにしたりしていたせいか、全然怖い感じはしなくても楽しんでいた。本当に驚いたことは一つだけ。途中で孤独な女の子と出会ったこと。最初に声をかければ失礼かなと思って無視したがやっぱり、動かずに立っている苦しいそうな女の子は心配になる。恐る恐る近寄って、「どうしたの?」と声をかけた。あの子は怖過ぎて進めないと言ったら、友達に捨てられたと説明した。 僕らと連れて来ればきっと怖くないと約束して一緒に進むことになった。どうせ一人で待つの方が怖いだろうと思っていた。あの時から、怖さを壊すために僕らがもっとはしゃごうとした。
さ、自白の時間です... 俺、あの子は可愛いと思っていた。何か、多分助けって欲しい子に弱いんだ。なのに、お化けやしきから出たら声をかける勇気が出なくて、僕は何も言わすにあの子が消えた。


Maxamillian said...

You'd be amazed at what this looks like when run through the Babelfish Translator.

Olli Rose said...

Show me!

Olli Rose said...

oh my god... this is fucking genious!

"Well, [burogu] of The Hot Rats will be begun. You write concerning the tune which the crack first made in first document. The tune, “Ghost House” is true story. . . The [tsu] [te] you say or, it is the story where well, truth has entered. And, that day, beginning the kind of story which probably will make margin and the band where the singer wants was the day when it does. Meeting of the rainbow of the circle of legend of the university and together to it was the day when it does “FujiQ”. When it arrives there, dividing into the small crowd, you played freely. I who hear with the ghost palm mushroom of FujiQ from the friend had accompanying going by any means, thinking as like, asking many times to the companion of the crowd. Child's mind it is completely. - The consequence to which laughing - I say joke, are foolishly, it did not do the feeling which is feared at all and also the [te] enjoyed. As for being surprised truly just one. It encountered with the girl lonely midway. First if voice is used, thinking as impolite kana, you ignored, but after all, without moving, standing, it is, it is painful, so the girl becomes worry. Coming near timidly, “how it did?”With voice was used. That child explained being too fearful, when you said that it does not advance, that it was thrown away in the friend. If me it accompanies, unless certainly we fear, promising, it came to the point of advancing together. How you intended that probably will wait alone the [se] one fears. From that time, I did more the plain gauze uninformed in order to break fearfulness. It is time of admission… We, that child thought lovely. Something, it helps perhaps and is weak in the [tsu] [te] desired child it is. Although is, when it comes out of the ghost palm coming, the courage which uses voice did not come out and the [te], as for me the word [wa] does what that child went out. When returning by the bus, when the friend “the fellow was the ghost, it is it is not”, that joke doing, I remembering the movie which is called “rainy month”, thought that it becomes good tune."